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Urgent: Calling on people to Join the LOCAL National Strategic Stockpile

Robert Gillio MD • Mar 23, 2020

 History says we will fail to meet needs locally without a local resource. 

Calling on people to join the LOCAL STRATEGIC NATIONAL STOCKPILE. 

We need to all be on the front line in the emergency. 

We need to adapt, improvise, and overcome. 
 We need to act now or regret it later. 

 I refuse to stand on the sidelines and see my hospital staff, and especially ER and ICU colleagues at unnecessary risk for self-infection, and under the stress of rationing care for my neighbors across the country. Citizens of our country, we need to think global and act local right now as a force for health for their hospital and health care system and neighbors. 
When there was a massive and sudden event, we did this after 911 to set up the Ground Zero Clinic for our first responders using duct tape, donated supplies, volunteers, and technology links to experts. The efforts there helped set up the World Trade Center Registry serving those heroes as health care risks are continuing to be tracked. Citizen Health Action for our first responders. 
When Hurricane Katrina happened , we improvised and used community resources such as pavilions at the New Orleans zoo, donated supplies, and volunteers again. The stockpile took so long to reach those at need that church group organized resources (God’s Katrina Kitchen near Pass Christian) took over from FEMA because locals with donations can do a better job. Citizen Health action for our victims and responders. 

 Calling on people to join the LOCAL STRATEGIC NATIONAL STOCKPILE. 
We need citizens to step up and assist with the supply chain starting local and with small amounts in the gap before national or newly manufactured resources arrive, potentially too late. 
We have resources in our homes that can address needs locally. The National Strategic Stockpile was designed for intense and rapid response to a regional disaster such as a terrorism attack or a natural disaster. After being involved directly with the anthrax response at 911, we urged a capability to have antibiotics, IV’s and ventilators in “push packs”. These were created in 2003 and used in things such as Hurricane Katrina and other regional disasters. They were never designed to be nor is there capacity to push to the entire country. 

Our hoarding and panic-demic behavior has aggravated the situation. By buying or keeping massive stores of masks, gloves, or hands sanitizers, we may be indirectly putting all of us, including the hoarder or prepared citizen at more risk, by having a spread happen elsewhere in your immediate area due to a shortage. The LOCAL stockpile, has one offering to share what you have with others in charge of the regions supply chain logistics to ask for you to consider donating it. 

One innovative consider is to have those of us with CPAP or BIPAP or Trilogy machines and gear for our sleep apnea, to make those available for a short period of time fo ruse in very sick patients to maintain their breathing and maybe avoid using a ventilator for them. This will free up a ventilatory and increase the chances for those that don’t get one to not survive. It is not a total solution but it is worth offering if your local pulmonologists need them for sick neighbors until the wave of infection passes. Most mild to moderate sleep apnea patients can do without the mask for a long period of time, with only mild risks for their health. 

The Force for Health approach is to Learn it, Live it, and then Share it…..this is a Share it activity where you at home right now, can help your local front line staff rapidly get supplies they need to protect themselves….and ultimately you. 
We need you to be a force for health and raid your hoarded supplies or durable medical equipment list it as a potential resource. They will call you if needed.  

Images from the Ground Zero Clinic, Hurricane Katrina Zoo Clinic, and a sampling of needs at many hospitals you may already have.
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