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TOOLS to USE NOW to help our frontline health heroes

Robert Gillio MD • Mar 26, 2020

People: Take the test and search the house. Help your local hospital now. 

I cannot stand on the sidelines and watch my colleagues struggle when their neighbors want to help. 

Our team built tools for immediate and indefinite free use for hospitals and clinics and the people they serve. Both should go to the website  Please help disseminate or ask for more explanation or assistance or just point to the site, promote, and sign in with your institution and we can share local admin with you. 

LOCAL National Strategic Stockpile Registry Exchange. e.g. “I have a case of gloves or a BiPAP ventilator, how can I get it to my hospital” "We need free PPE now, where can I get it right now and nearby and free? LOCAL cupboard crowd source is not a total solution but a stop gap. 

EPI-STEM symptom tracker, education too, referral tool, and predictive analytic reporting tool for citizen use and hospital or government dashboards. 

Can we get this out to your neighbors, members or colleagues? 

DrRob.    @betheforce  @froceforhealth.
By Robert Gillio 18 Feb, 2021
The Marstronaut in Training program will begin this spring, starting to prepare middle and high school students for a career that could include being one of the first astronauts on Mars....a Marstronaut. You might want to watch as we humans land there today with NASA broadcasting beginning at 230 eastern.
By Robert Gillio MD 08 Feb, 2021
Photo Credit CSPAN. VIDEO link. TEDTalks Young people are a Force for CHANGE.... Let's have the courage to realize that in our moments of darkness..."there is always light if only we are brave enough to see it, if only we are brave enough to be it." Its time, young people, to "merge mercy with might, and might with right" and do the right thing to help us show compassion for all, and protect each other leading with the light of our example to wear the mask, get the shot, feed the hungry, and be kind as we come out of this challenge by making it the opportunity to create a new movement.. Be the force for health, for safety, for kindness, for change. Connect withJoin us at @ .
By Robert Gillio 08 Feb, 2021
PHOTO AND GRAPHIC CREDIT: DR. JAY BHATT HEALTH EQUITY IS A COMPLEX ISSUE. If you are not healthy, it's hard to help others or make change. Taking personal responsibility to understand issues YOU CAN CONTROL is crucial. Learn about health literacy social determinants of health, and the history of racism in America with the free Force for Health Advance the Dream Basics Group. Join and take more responsibility for your own health outcomes controlling the things you can as you work for change. #theforceforhealth #advance the dream JOIN HERE
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